
I am Berner Panti Quispe, an image creator, more than a photographer or a painter.Continuosly learning and experimenting visual arts, mixing ancient techniques to modern ones.The works published in this page are te result of a long evolution of my creative mind, something that started long time ago with a line of graphite on paper, moving through digital image retouching, to analog large fomat photography, then platinum-palladium printing.

I was Born in Cusco, Perú, some fourty years ago, migrated many times, collecting experiences and memories that I often put into my works, in either a concious or unconscious manner.

They say creativity is something you can inherit from your family, and I guess I did. Since I was a child I always had the tendency to create, draw, build, as my uncles used to do; and I still have this deep desire to keep on creating.

Poverty is definetively something you inherit from your family, and I guess I did.

I never considered art as a way of getting out of poverty, but still, I was creating with what I had: drawing with one centimeter long pencils, building toys with pieces I collected from some garbage dump.

Migrating to Italy in 1992 gave me a chance to make of my life something better, and, again, I guess I did. I lived here and there sketching stories on a piece of paper or in my head, with no regard to the technique, but just to the story within the pencil lines. When I thought that those pencil lines and the technique were decent enough to be shared, I started keeping my works for myself, or giving them to friends, and then selling them on my etsy shop.I became an Engineer along the way (I don’t know how), learned some languages, and kept drawing and writing, finding out that the best things I was given in life come from my family: creativity and poverty. I am blessed. Photography became a natural evolution of my image creation journey once I was able to afford it. Since years I study photography by my own. I had a couple of exhibitions with my paintings and drawings, and lately one with my platinum prints.

Platinum-Palladium printing came as  natural rejection of inmediacy and obsolescence and as a almost meditative way to represent myself and the subjects I photograph and paint in a permanent way. Most of the works I produce here have a story hidden, blurred, then enbedded into the fibers of the paper.



Contact me for prints, custom requests, printing sessions with alternative methods. 

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